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LinkedIn Member Stories

LinkedIn Member Stories

At LinkedIn, our mission is to connect every member of the global workforce to opportunity. We were delighted to speak with Noel Debow. A visual merchandiser who shared her LinkedIn story. A big thanks to Doug Walker for directing and editing this spot.


LinkedIn Plus One Pledge

The Plus One Pledge is an intention to share your time, talent, or connections with someone outside of your network. Three of our members took the pledge to help us close the network gap. Here are their stories. Produced in collaboration with LinkedIn Media Productions.


LinkedIn Mother’s Day

Let's face it. Balancing working life and motherhood can be a juggling act. And there's no one way to parent. So to celebrate Mother's Day, we asked real moms to share their #MomConfessions with us. The video received nearly 300,000 views. Moms joined the conversation on social media with their own confessions and we succeeded in making the LinkedIn brand more human and relatable. Not bad for a budget of $1,000.